Justin Time Design
51863 Schoenherr Rd. Suite 204
Shelby Township, MI. 48315
Call Us: 586 531 6098
Die Design

Justin Time Design offers cutting-edge tool design services to meet the complex specifications of your sheet metal stamping dies and tooling needs. We use Visi and other advanced software tools to craft our tool designs.
Visi with Progress Unfolding allows for:
- Industry standard Parasolid® kernel
- Fast simple modeling
- Powerful blending, solid & surface modeling
- Solids collision detection
- Assembly interference checking
- Large component libraries
- Associative insertion of fasteners
- Associative tool detailing
- Automatic bounding box function for stock-listing
- Automatic B.O.M. creation
- Linked ballooning
- Numerous direct translators

VISI can work directly with Parasolid, IGES, CATIA v4 & v5, Pro-E, UG, STEP, Solid Works, Solid Edge, ACIS, DXF, DWG, STL and VDA files. The extensive range of translators ensures that users can work with data from almost any supplier. The ability to skip corrupt records during the import process provides a platform from where the most inconsistent data can be managed. Very large files can be handled with ease and companies working with complex designs will benefit from the ease with which their customer’s CAD data can be manipulated.